Taptoberfest 10k, 5k
Date: October 19, Saturday
Time: 8:30am
Location: Alamo Beer
202 Lamar
San Antonio Texas 78202
Race 3 of 3 in ScallyWompus Relay Series
Pricing per person:
10k: $45
10k relay: $85
5k: $40
15 days before: +$5
Race Day: +$5
Course Maps
Available closer to race date!
All finishers will receive a medal.
Award categories is 1st – 4th for all distances.
Age categories:
14 and under, 15-20, 21-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+
First overall male and female and first overall masters, male and female.
Age group awards will be based on chip time, overall winners and first master: male and female, on gun time.
PPU info:
Available closer to race date!
Link available closer to race date.
Refund Policy
No Refunds!
Thanks for signing up for our race, sometimes things change and you have to transfer your race entry or change the race, we understand. Please understand that this takes time to make these changes and we charge $20 to make that change or transfer.
It doesn’t mean we don’t love you.
Contact Bart for deferral information.

Taptoberfest 10k, 5k
Date: October 19, Saturday
Time: 8:30am
Location: Alamo Beer
202 Lamar
San Antonio Texas 78202
Race 3 of 3 in ScallyWompus Relay Series
Pricing per person:
10k: $45
10k relay: $85
5k: $40
15 days before: +$5
Race Day: +$5
PPU info:
Available closer to race date!
Course Maps:
Available closer to race date!
All finishers will receive a medal.
Award categories is 1st – 4th for all distances.
Age categories:
14 and under, 15-20, 21-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+
First overall male and female and first overall masters, male and female.
Age group awards will be based on chip time, overall winners and first master: male and female, on gun time.
Link available closer to race date.
Refund Policy
No Refunds!
Thanks for signing up for our race, sometimes things change and you have to transfer your race entry or change the race, we understand. Please understand that this takes time to make these changes and we charge $20 to make that change or transfer.
It doesn’t mean we don’t love you.
Contact Bart for deferral information.